The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Polar Bear Club

While we were stuck here in Beijing for the holiday we found lots of things to do to keep us busy!   Most of the neighborhood was gone (it was like a ghost town here), so we took advantage of the aquatic facilities here in our neighborhood.  It is usually flooded with swim teams and swim lessons.  We swam laps and started our own little Polar Bear Club.  They have 4 natural hot spring tubs outside in the veranda area and boy are they hot!  It feels good though because it is almost painful to walk out to them being all wet in that cold air.  We do this a lot.  It makes you nice and relaxed and groggy for a good night sleep!! 

Oh sisterly love!

I don't know quite what to say about this......

Julia has really started to enjoy swimming laps.  She swims a couple times a week and is currently doing a diving class in school! 

Ella Claire......always smiling!

Getting ready for take off!

Polar Bear Club

Enjoying a soak!

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