The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Nanshan for a day of hitting the slopes!

While on break for CNY (Chinese New Year) we decided to go hit the slopes of Nanshan with our neighbors.  Kelly and Jeremy had skied like once before but for the rest of us this was the first time.  We must be gluttons for punishment! 
Just getting all of the rental gear was a huge ordeal, but we finally got suited up and were ready for our lessons.  The instructor had us on this little hill to show us how to put our skis out and toes inward which would have been great if I hadn't started sliding backward down the hill.  I'm glad that I could entertain everyone while I ended up stuck in the split position, waiting for someone to quit laughing long enough to help me!!  At this point, I seriously though that it was going to be a LONG day, but things got better as she put us on the lift to go practice the bunny slopes. 
We are on top of the bunny slopes and it is a lot bigger and steeper than it looked from the bottom.  With no instructions on how to stop, Julia takes off like a rocket flying down the slope.  REALLY??  Who does that.....whoops, I guess we all do because next thing I know I am picking up speed and thinking to myself "Please do not let someone cross in front of me or I will lay them out like Brian Urlacher."  We all made it alive and it was soooo fun!!  She did teach us then to turn and stop (which was kind of helpful).  So after we got bored on the little slopes we decided to make a go on the bigger ones. 
So here is were the problems start!!  NOBODY instructed us on the death trap that is the ski lift there.  No kidding, it is a man eater!  I went up for the first time with the 2 little girls.  We got half way up the hill when we realized the man was telling us to pull down the safety bar in front.  We got the bar down and the girls put their skis on the foot posts but nobody could get them off the damn thing when we got to the top and had like 30 seconds to pull it up and jump off.  Now I am strong and I have been doing cross fit but when I went to lift that thing with the girls skis still firmly planted on it, that baby didn't budge.  My ski poles then slid down, stuck in the snow while the lift was still moving and proceeded to snap in half across my shin.  The amused Chinese men running the damn thing, generously stopped it for a half of a second to get us out and let me fall flat on my face.  Good stuff!  I then had to ski down the slopes carrying my 2 broken poles (which I was charged for).  Hey, at least it was fun flying down the hill.
When we all gathered together again and started sharing stories, I realized that we were not the only ones that had problems with the lift.  A couple of them fell getting off and had to lay on their bellies to prevent being decapitated by the chairs going over their heads.  At least I wasn't alone, right?
We skied most of the day and ended up having so much fun.  We were all pretty good at it by the time we left.  Definitely something we will do again, as it provided us with lots of stories and entertainment....mostly at my expense!
Kelly, Ella and Julia

All of us getting ready for lessons. Me, Kelly, Ella, Julia, Tracy, India, Annique and Jeremy

Julia was absolutely fearless as usual! 

Nanshan Mountain

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