The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Friday, February 15, 2013

JD Chinese New Year Party!

Let me just paint this picture. The banquet room was big and beautiful with every single employee (about 150 or so) in attendance. There were 3 tables of expats and the rest were all Chinese nationalist. There was a big dance floor, 3 MC's, a band with singer flown in from Vegas, and about 10, I repeat 10 or maybe more different performances, skits, routines, shows, dances....what have you. The different departments got into groups and for weeks worked on their performances. We witnessed a few Gangnam style routines and a few musical numbers. The most impressive was from Kelly's group (sans 1 Kelly DeSmet). They did this amazing silhouette that could have easily been a commercial. They had a huge white sheet of paper that was illuminated with a light behind it.  They used their shadows to create a story.   I literally felt like I was living in an episode of Glee or a musical. These people were so excited and enthusiastic about this event that it was really almost surreal. I really have never witnessed anything like this before (with the exception of watching High School Musical with Ella).
As the night went on and the wine continued to flow, the band was playing some good dancing music and I could not sit idle anymore.  None of the other expats would dance with me so I grabbed some random Chinese man that Kelly works with and hit the dance floor.  I was the first one out there and I am pretty sure most people were laughing at me but then the dance floor started to fill......mission accomplished.  I must have made an impact (or a fool of myself) because a photo of me dancing made it in the party album.  It was very fun and interesting evening!!
One of the Gangnam style routines.
Professional company photo that made it's way around through our friends!!

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