The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Last Day in Phuket!

On our last day in Phuket we chartered a speed boat with Kelly's coworkers family and took off to Phi Phi island for some scuba diving and snorkeling.  On the way out to Phi Phi is was a bit rough and there was a bit of sea sickness going on (aka Ella).  Once we got out to our first location for diving and actually got into the water we all felt a little better.
Kelly, Matt, Jade and Devin (Getman family) all set out scuba diving with our amazing guides.  Ching, Crystal, Julia, Ella and I just snorkeled around the boat and coral near by.  It was so beautiful to see all of the sea life and the whole area was literally just breath taking.  I just floated in the water trying to take it all in!  It is truly a paradise there! 
We spent the whole day snorkeling, scuba diving, swimming and checking out beaches.  We got to visit one of the most famous beaches in the world there.  The beach that they actually filmed the movie "The Beach"  with Leonardo DiCaprio.  It was absolutely beautiful and incidentally packed with other tourists.  It is literally on a small island in the middle of the ocean. 
By the afternoon we were exhausted and I was battling a bit of sea sickness so we took off to check out one more beach called "Monkey Beach" ( because of all of the wild monkeys that inhabit it).  When we got there and they killed the motor, the rocking of the boat was my undoing and I ended up feeding all of the fish my lunch!  And I am not kidding when I tell you there were hundreds of fish that swarmed in.  I saw more fish at that moment than on my whole snorkeling experience.  It was pretty gross!
We made it back to the pier safe and sound and headed back to the hotel for a quick dinner and off to bed.  We had to get up at 4:30 to catch our flight back to Beijing. 
All in all we had an absolutely amazing time.  Once in a life time trip that I will remember forever!
Poor Ella battling sea sickness.

Julia for the first time felt great.

Kelly getting ready to scuba dive.

Matt, Devin and Jade getting their gear on.

Kelly and the guide Carrie.

My sweet girls!

Awww Ella Bell....still feeling bad!

Ching, Crytal and Ella getting ready to snorkel.

Julia Renee

Love this these girls.

Kelly enjoying his banana and the view.

Ella and Crystal going for a dip.

The water was 4 thumbs up!

This is "The Beach"

Monkey Island

The DeSmet's

These signs are all over the beaches......very comforting!!!!


  1. Trips can be exhausting, but hey, I don’t mind getting tired if I get to see beautiful and breathtaking places! Phuket is definitely one of the most beautiful destinations. I went there a few years back, and I never forgot how stunning the place is! And of course, the boat ride was amazing! [Melanie Daryl]

  2. I agree Melanie! It was definitely paradise there! We loved it!
