The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Monday, January 28, 2013

Christmas In January!

Kelly spent a week in the US on business and made a trip to my mom's house to load up with a bunch goodies.  He filled up 3 huge suitcases with dog food, cake mixes, drink mixes, protein powder, home made peanut brittle (for Ella), peanut butter, cereals and other yummy treats.  He also brought home all of the girls Christmas presents. 
I let them each open 1 present when he got home and the rest were wrapped and put under the tree the next day.  Julia opened her beloved iPhone 4 and Ella opened a cute little necklace from her Grandma and Grandpa.  Later that night I came downstairs to find Ella sitting alone, in total silence, looking at the necklace in her little hands.  I asked what was wrong, which brought on tears and sobs of "I miss home" and "I want my Grandma".  It was utterly heart breaking!  It was the first breakdown that any of us have had and it made us all go to bed with heavy hearts that night. 
The girls had school as usual the next day and then came home and we celebrated Christmas with a home made Chinese meal, compliments of our fabulous Ayi, Xiao Liu.  Then we gathered around the Christmas tree (that I left up for this occasion) and we opened our presents from home.  The kids were so glad to get some clothes from home (as it is very hard to find things here).  It just felt good to see the kids smile and reminisce about home and family and friends.  We went to bed that night feeling much happier and although we couldn't be with everyone for the holidays we felt loved and very blessed!  Thank you for all of the great gifts!  We love you all!

Getting ready to tear open their loot!

The kids in front of the tree!

Something to make her smell good!
Oh Ella.......

Favorite color!


They love Justice!


Julia's new love of her life. 

The girls got a new wave iron from their Auntie V.  They had me instantly use it on them.  Now they look like they belong to me!!

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