The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas in Phuket continued......

The next few days were spent hanging out at the hotel.  There was a lot to do there as well.  We stayed at the Hilton and it had 5 pools a couple of water slides, several restaurants, stores, fitness centers, bars, a spa and a beach access.  We played at the beach and at the pools and even took scuba lessons in one of the pools at the hotel.  Ella enjoyed a few mornings at the Kids Paradise where she made some friends.  They would color and play for a couple hours every morning.  This was a good thing because it help entertain her while Julia was ill with a 103+ fever.  Julia started feeling rotten the second day there and finally by day 3 we took her to a doctor that visited the hotel.  He started her on some antibiotics and a couple days later she was feeling a bit better!

One of the water slides


Sisterly love.........

View from our balcony

Practicing scuba diving!

Girls taking a beating from the waves!

Ella Claire

Kelly rocking Julia's pink shades! 
Ummm....a little bit of sand in your suit there Elle???

The beating continues...

Julia Renee

These dudes were cracking me up...every time a wave came in they would raise there beers (to not get salt water in them)

View of the beach from the executive lounge!

Ella bell

A very sick Julia.....

So Kelly and I entertained Ella....or Ella entertained us as usual!

Ibuprofen is working.....

Trolley to get to entrance of the hotel complete with Santa and Rudolph on top!

I am pretty sure this was not allowed but......what the heck it was fun!!

Buddha temple on the hotel property.

And fever is up again!!

There were peacocks roaming the property everywhere.  This one was strutting his stuff for a couple of females right by the pool.

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