The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ella Claire and the Great 4th grade Robot challenge!

All of the students in the 4th grade pair up and made "robots" in class.  The robots are like a car but have their own brain that detects the difference between white and black.  They can pick different speeds, different patterns for movement, and of course different exterior.  Ella was partnered up with another quiet little girl named Emma.  The two of them designed their robot and named it "the Demon".  I would say the name was probably the most intimidating part of their robot because it looked and moved like an old grandma car. 
I first heard of the challenge at parent-teacher conferences.  Mrs. Reverman told me that Ella and Emma (the two quietest girls in the class) won the robot challenge for her class.  She said that they were so excited but didn't want anyone to feel bad, so they were very gracious winners.  She told me that their robot, by far, wasn't the fastest or fanciest but it was consistent.  She also told me that for being such gracious winners that they were receiving the Dragon award for the month!  Way to go girls!!
So yesterday, I went to school to watch the official "Robot challenge"  the 6 winners of each 4th grade class room got to compete against each other for the title and bragging rites.  There is a black platform with a white circle painted on it and the goal is to knock the other robot out of the circle.  Best out of 3 wins.  They went for 8 rounds until everybody had competed against each other.  The robot with the most points from "knocking out" their opponents was the champion.  Let's just say that the demon was just no match for the "king killer", the "the scorpion", or "the metal stabber" (yes that was it's name).  They may have tied for last place, but I couldn't have been more proud of those girls for the intelligence to make a robot and the way that they conducted themselves.  It is remarkable to see kids at such a young age be able to create and understand such technology as these robots.  I was blown away!!        Incidentally, it was also pajama day.....just so you don't think poorly of me for sending my child to school in pajamas!
Ella and Emma with their teacher Mrs. Reverman

If you can't tell, "the demon" is getting smoked by "the scorpion".

Setting up for round 2!

This was "the scorpion" biting the dust.  Those girls just smiled!!

"The Demon"  vs. "the metal stabber" (aptly named)

They were nervous......and sooo cute!!

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