The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Modern Toilet Restaurant????? Say what??????

Why????  Why is this sometimes the most nutty place......ever???  And who thought that this restaurant would be a good idea??? 
My tutor brought me a menu for "The Modern Toilet Restaurant" here in Beijing.  It is decorated in all "restroom" décor and the food is served in "toilet bowls".  I am not making this up, at all.  Some of the bowls resemble our western style of toilets (normal toilets), some of the food is served in bowls that resemble urinals and then there is the traditional style Chinese squat pot.  I looked at the menu and couldn't help but think what a crappy idea (no pun intended).  I couldn't quit shaking my head when I got to the desert section and they had chocolate soft serve ice cream being served in a squatty potty. Now that looks appetizing! 
Something tells me that the whole concept for this restaurant went straight down the crapper! (pun definitely intended)  And I can't get over this feeling of needing to go check this joint out for myself.  What is wrong with me???  My tutor told me it is always busy with young girls chatting with their friends and having fun.....well duh, being of the female species and having 2 daughters myself, I know a thing or 2 about large groups of girls hanging out in restrooms chatting and having fun.  It still doesn't mean you should eat in there....ever..... or out of toilet bowls.
Please note the toilet "bowls".  The yellow one looks like a traditional Chinese squatter.

The blue bowl is supposed to look like a urinal, and my personal fave is the chocolate soft serve in the pink squatty potty. The picture in the top right hand corner is the inside of the restaurant.  It appears to be decorated in all white tiles with different colored toilets all over the joint!  Good stuff!

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