The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Monday, September 9, 2013

Jet lag at its finest!

I had forgotten about this picture until I came a crossed it while I was snooping on Kelly's phone.  This was our third day back in Beijing and we were invited over to our friends house for dinner.  Afterwards, we played a game with the kids that didn't last very long because by 7:45 PM this was how we found our children........
Face down, drooling on the table!  It's hard to explain the feeling of jet lag.  You can barely keep your eyes open by 7:00 PM and then your wide awake at 3:30 AM.  You just feel haggard and tired.  By the end of a week though things start to come around and your going to bed by 8:30 and popping up at 5:30.  Now, after a month or so I am dragging myself out of bed at 6:30AM.  Ugggg!


  1. This picture of your girls is so cute, but yes I do know the feeling of jet lag and it is the worse for at least the first week back. Glad they are getting a wonderful experience in the Chinese culture as well as around many people with different nationalities from their school. :)

    1. Awww, hey Heather! I didn't know you had a blog. I am so glad you posted this because I went to go check out yours. How sweet are your boys! They are just adorable.
      We are having a great time here in China. The girls love it and it has been probably one of the greatest decisions we have ever made in our life! Take care and thanks for checking my blog out!

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