The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ella's first modeling gig!

My nine year old had her first real job!  She was asked to model for one of China's top children's clothing line Paclantic.  We headed downtown Beijing early Saturday morning to the studio.  There were 2 other little sisters and 3 little boys that were doing the shoot as well.  She immediately went to hair and makeup and was fluffed and puffed for 20 minutes.  Then she was scurried off to the dressing room.  The photo shoot took up the majority of the day (9:00-4:00) .  There were about 15 clothing changes and 10 hair changes and umpteen hundred pictures taken. 
Ella did a great job for her first time modeling.  Her least favorite part was when she had to hold hands with a boy.  (YUCK)  She was mortified, but she was very professional about it and the pictures turned out so cute. Her favorite part was the paycheck at the end. 
The pictures will be used in the catalogs and up in the stores.  I can't wait till spring when they put up the new line and I can go see my kids face all over the store at the mall.  What a trip!! They are going to send me a CD so that I can put them in her portfolio and some extra catalogs for our family!
Ella had been watching America's Next Top Model, and I wasn't very happy about it, but I guess she did actually learn something from it!  Girl can strike a pose! 

Sorry for the poor quality images.  We took them with the IPad and they were fuzzy and distant!
We took this one off of their screen.  I love this picture of her!

Getting hair and makeup touched up!

This getup was a little Boy George inspired!  LOL

Not her fave part but least Adrian (the little boy) was cute!

This image of her and her new German friend Tezzie is a bit distorted.....Julia took it....hence the short legs!

The big payday!!!  Saving for a new bike!!


  1. Ella, I am so proud of you. You look gorgeous!
    Diana Wherry

    1. Thank you Mrs. Wherry! She is doing very well here. She just got her report card and the teacher commented on how well she has adjusted, and you should hear her speak Mandarin!!!

  2. Can't wait to hear her when you return. What an amazing experience for her!
