The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Chinese Culture Club

                                                      Yulia, Ella, Chris, Tien and Julia
We had our Chines Culture Class on Fri., April 27.  Yuila, our consultant and trainer, is originally from Russia.  Chris, the kids trainer, is from the Phillipeans.  Tien, our Chinese instructor, is a professor at the Universisty of Illinois.  They were so nice and helpful.  We spent the better part of the day learning the differences between US and Chinese cultures.  They have a very different way of thinking and working than we do here.  They are very much family and relationship oriented.  (I think I will fit in okay over there.)  We also had lunch at a Chinese restraunt and had lessons on using chop sticks.  (Now I know why Chinese people don't have an over-weight society.)  The girls got to Facetime another girl that had lived in China named Ping.  We had a great day!
Fun Fact:  Did you know that it is taboo to wear a green ball cap over in China?  If you are given one it means that your spouse is being unfaithful to you.  I guess we won't be rocking any John Deere green ball caps anytime soon.  Don't wan't to have a bad reputation right off the bat!

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