The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Monday, November 14, 2011

We are moving!!

I can hardly believe it myself.  Kelly (my husband) was offered a great new position within his company in September 2011.  The kicker is we will have to relocate to Beijing, China for 3 years.  We weighed the pros and cons for a long time.  In the end, we couldn't pass up this extrodinary experience.  Our girls who are now 11 and 8 will get to see and do things that not very many people get to do in a lifetime. 
So, in June of 2012, Kelly, Julia (11), Ella (8), Tucker (our 100lbs chocolate lab) and myself will pack up and ship off to the enormous city of Beijing.  Please join us and follow our adventures and travels.  Those of you who know our family well, know that this is bound to be an interesting and eventful journey.  We will keep you all posted..........

It is 11/14/11 and Kelly is on his first official business trip to China.  Communication has been limited to a few texts and e mails.  I asked him what it was like and the text came back "huge city, big skyscrapers, lots of people on bikes and crazy drivers".  Sounds like fun ;)

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