The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day in Phuket (this was 2012) I just realized it never got posted) WOOPS

On Christmas Eve.......Julia was still confined to the room sick so we took Ella down to the Kids Christmas party they were hosting at the hotel.  They had face painting and all kinds of games and activities.  She had a ball and we had to drag her out of there by 10:00pm. 
On Christmas Day we joined some friends and co-worker of Kelly's for breakfast and then hit the beach for some para sailing.  Julia got to go up and had a ball (even though she still wasn't 100%) and our friends kids got to go up as well.  Unfortunately, it was a bit windy, and with Ella barely weighing 60lbs she couldn't go up for fear she would NEVER come down.
After para sailing we went to visit some of our friends that own a vacation home there in Phuket.  Julia and Ella are friends with their daughters at school and they live in our neighborhood as well.  Their home was absolutely beautiful and we had a fabulous Christmas dinner of Australian BBQ (they are originally from Australia).  Chicken, beef and lobster where on the menu as well as avocado with fresh prawns and many other delicious things!  (Mom don't worry you are still #1 head chef in our book)
After dinner the kids went for a horse back ride on the beach.  We followed that up by surfing, banana boat riding and an elephant ride.  Ella was in heaven playing with Lucky the 5 year old elephant!  Lucky would give kisses, hugs, smile and take a tip and stick it in his handlers pocket.  Needless to say it was a pretty memorable way to spend Christmas day....even if we were all a little homesick! 

Ella getting her hand painted at the Kids Christmas party!

Julia getting ready for lift off.

Julia flying high!

Safe landing in the water.

Swimming at the Sorenson-Way's swimming pool with Lulu and India.

My friend Sam in the master bed room.  I think this picture should be in a magazine.

View of the pool from the master.

Yep.....these little guys are what's for dinner!

Their fabulous pool.

Christmas dinner

India and Julia

Ella and Lulu

Ella getting ready to ride Boi on the beach.

This horse couldn't have been more perfect for Julia....complete with zebra socks!

Here comes Ella.

Julia's stomach was a bit on edge so she walked a portion of the way in....but she wasn't alone.  3 of the dogs from the stables escorted her back!
Ben and Kelly decided to try out the new toys. They had personal seadoo's that propel you in the water.  They didn't get to far when at the exact same time both seadoo's stopped working and about strangled the boys nether region.  Their swim trunk strings got all tangled around the propeller.  I laughed so hard I cried!!

Ella riding Lucky the elephant!
Lucky giving Ella a lift.

Lucky is evidentally excited about giving Ella a lift!

Banana boat ride!  Loving Julia and Ella's face! LOL

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

This is how you play with your best friend when she lives on the other side of the world!

The kids are off on Christmas break and this morning I could here Ella chatting away.  I came downstairs and found her playing school with her best friend Kendal.  They were face timing each other and had the computer turned towards their dry erase boards giving each other math problems.  I thought it was so cute so I took their picture together....even though they are on opposite sides of the world!  I guess best friends are forever........
Ella and her best friend Kendal playing school.  It was 9:00Am here and 7:00PM in Illinois!

Ella's first orchestra performance at ISB

The elementary school had their first orchestra performance of the year.  Ella has played violin for 3 years, but this was the first time she performed with an orchestra.  They actually sounded pretty good.  I mean, I didn't go away with my ears bleeding or anything and it sounded like real music.  I was impressed to say the least.  I will have to say that I was surprised when she told me she prefers solo performances and liked her old teacher Ms. Steph better.  I thought it would be less stressful in a group setting but evidently she thrives on the stress of it!  Who knew?????
I had video of the performance but evidently it take 3 days to get it to upload on here so forget it!!

Ella's first modeling gig!

My nine year old had her first real job!  She was asked to model for one of China's top children's clothing line Paclantic.  We headed downtown Beijing early Saturday morning to the studio.  There were 2 other little sisters and 3 little boys that were doing the shoot as well.  She immediately went to hair and makeup and was fluffed and puffed for 20 minutes.  Then she was scurried off to the dressing room.  The photo shoot took up the majority of the day (9:00-4:00) .  There were about 15 clothing changes and 10 hair changes and umpteen hundred pictures taken. 
Ella did a great job for her first time modeling.  Her least favorite part was when she had to hold hands with a boy.  (YUCK)  She was mortified, but she was very professional about it and the pictures turned out so cute. Her favorite part was the paycheck at the end. 
The pictures will be used in the catalogs and up in the stores.  I can't wait till spring when they put up the new line and I can go see my kids face all over the store at the mall.  What a trip!! They are going to send me a CD so that I can put them in her portfolio and some extra catalogs for our family!
Ella had been watching America's Next Top Model, and I wasn't very happy about it, but I guess she did actually learn something from it!  Girl can strike a pose! 

Sorry for the poor quality images.  We took them with the IPad and they were fuzzy and distant!
We took this one off of their screen.  I love this picture of her!

Getting hair and makeup touched up!

This getup was a little Boy George inspired!  LOL

Not her fave part but least Adrian (the little boy) was cute!

This image of her and her new German friend Tezzie is a bit distorted.....Julia took it....hence the short legs!

The big payday!!!  Saving for a new bike!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bangkok continued......

All in all it was a truly wonderful experience.  I am so glad that we were able to give her this opportunity.  She was not very keen on it in the beginning, being the only girl and what have you.  She loved her Moline United team back home and nothing will be comparable to the commeradery of those girls, but she has started to really enjoy playing with the boys as well. 
One of the lessons that she learned this weekend is that not all countries are respectful of women.  There was a couple of teams that were not very nice to her.  The coaches were saying things to her on the field and telling their boys to play games of keep away with which she got fed up with and showed them a thing or two and knocked one of them off and took the ball from them.  We later saw this same team of local Thai boys as we were walking to get a beverage, and they all were saying things and being ugly toward her.  One mockingly acted like he was going to spit at her.  I was ready to come unglued and Julia just shrugged her shoulders and said, "Really??  That's just sad!" They just didn't feel it was a girls place on the soccer pitch.  We are very fortunate that in the US there is equality.  Even despite all that, it was truly an amazing time that we had together.  We are definitely a soccer family and we are blessed that it is something we can all do and enjoy together!
Flying first class on Air China! 

Julia in front of the Buddha shrine outside of our hotel.

The streets of Bangkok???  These were floating houses.  Watch your step going out the front door!

Our bus, I was waiting for the male dancers to jump out of the luggage compartment.....

U12 China Club Football team

Buddhist monk watching the games.

Julia taking on team Japan.

Taking on team Taiwan.

This is the view out of our window.......WTH???

This is the view out of the other side of the hotel..........much improved!

BACK ROW:  Coach Ally (England), Curtis (China), William (Sweden), David (China), Julia (USA), Camo (South Africa) FRONT ROW: Wesley (US but raised in China his whole life), Azeem (Malaysia), Tom (Germany), Brandon (Chinese/American)
Julia was obsessed with the pink Taxi's.  She want one for her 16th birthday.....minus the sign on top!

A very bizarre statue in the Bangkok airport.

Julia in front of a shrine honoring the King of Thailand.....they love their king and wear baseball caps that say "I LOVE MY KING" to prove it!!

It was a fast, furious and freaking HOT weekend....she slept for an hour and a half in the airport while probably 250 loud Indian people packed around us to board a flight prior to ours.  Now that is tired!