The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sorry that I haven't updated in a while........

there has been a lot on my plate lately.  (Watch the snarky comments about me not working and having a housekeeper......mother!)  First and foremost we found out a few weeks ago that we will be moving back to the US this summer.  This comes with very mixed emotions.  We thought we had 1 more year here and there are things we wanted to do but didn't get done.  On the flip side we are always up for a new adventure and this one is going to take us to Dubuque, Iowa. 

I have also been diligently training for the Great Wall Marathon.  This involves 3 days of Cross Fit and 4 days of different training runs.  It has been grueling to say the least and I think the next marathon I sign up for will be a Netflix Marathon.  We also threw in a trip to Bali , 2 Flat Stanley projects for some sweet 2nd graders at Orion school and a quick trip to the US for Kelly and I to house hunt in Dubuque and get our house on the market in the QC.

So, please forgive me!

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