The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sometimes when things seem too good to be true they probably are!

Well, the movers have come and gone and we are officially homeless.  All of our lives are packed in boxes or in the 6 suitcases that we own.  We are living with Grandma and Grandpa Wilson.
When the movers were just getting ready to haul everything off we found out that the house we were going to rent in China fell through.  The landlord couldn't provide proper documentation so.....we are looking again. 
It was perfect and beautiful and too good to be true!  Kelly left today to start his assignment in Beijing.  He is going house hunting again on Friday so keep your fingers crossed that something comes up.  We won't see him for almost a month.  We will miss you Daddy!  See you soon!

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