The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Ella modeling for Deloras

Ella had another modeling gig this weekend.  This time it was for an upscale Russian department store named Deloras.  She did such a fantastic job and has become quite comfortable in front of the camera.  (Well, someone else's camera that is, because I practically have to sit on her to get a picture of her!)  Sometimes I can't believe she can pull this stuff off, I mean this kid lives in yoga pants, graphic tees, sneakers and a ponytail 24/7.  Who knew that she could look so vogue (for lack of a better word)??
Anyway, she modeled along with 3 little Russian kids and 2 German kids that were her age.  She became fast friends with them all and was giving "rubber band bracelet" making lessons to them in between shoots.  She had a lot of fun and the pictures of her turned out beautiful.  I will share some of them with you, but the quality of some aren't the best because I took most of them off of the computer monitor.  We should get the final catalog from them sometime this spring.  I can not wait to see the final product. mother asked why she wasn't "smiling" in many of the pictures.  Not to broad stroke a whole culture, but I did remind her this was a Russian clothing company and they aren't the "smiliest" people I know.
So here is Ella.........................................I'm so proud!!
Time for hair and makeup.  Yeppers, that lady has lavender hair!

Finishing touches.

Love this rock and roll get up!

This is the "store front" for the photo shoot.

Snack break in between takes.

New friends, Kenderik and Sophie.

Ella, always the comedian, went and lifted her leg on that yellow fire hydrant.  The studio crew were cracking up at her........Where does she get it from?????  I will blame her father. LOL


Oh boy....... 


Happy in Beijing!

This is a video that was shot here in Beijing the week the pollution was so bad.  It is to the song "Happy" by Pharrell Williams.  I have to say that some of these people here live what we in the US would consider a "tough life", but amazingly enough they all seem very happy.   Something to think about for sure!  These people and this video just made me............happy!

Bad Pollution Days!

So I showed you the CNN piece that was done on the pollution problems here, but this is just one sad reality of living in Beijing.  Thank goodness this year has been much better (pollution wise) than last year. 
Days when the pollution is bad we all wear masks when we are outside and all outdoor sporting activities are put on hold.  This has been a challenge for our marathon training.  We have compensated with runs on the treadmills, in the domes at the girls school.  But that becomes old and monotonous quick.  We will run outside if the AQI is 200 or lower (mind you it is probably 20 - 25 AQI in cities in the US) but even then you kind of have a hacking little cough for the next few days.  I am sure it is to clear out the filth and toxins we have sucked in our lungs.  There are also a lot of sinus issues with people during this time.  It is a usual occurrence to see the locals "farmer blowing" or "hocking loogies" all over the I know why.  Gotta clean out the pipes!  Why waste the money on tissues, right?  Yeah, it really doesn't make me feel any better.  This is something that I just can't quite get used to.
I still have to get Tucker out a couple of times a day for some exercise or he will drive us crazy all night wanting to play tug of war.  I only wish they made masks for dogs.  I have thought about inventing them, I mean half of the dogs in my neighborhood wear clothes and shoes.  Don't you think people would want to protect their pooch from the pollution as well?  I may have to give this some more though!
Despite all of this, we still love Beijing!

The girls leaving for school.  Julia put on her "stylish" mask but has to wear the 3M one with the filter when she leaves the house, nice try though!
Can you see the sun hiding behind the thick blanket of filth in the air??

This is looking out our back window.  Gloomy!

The morning sun.........  trying to burn through an AQI of 500.

My friends and me heading of to Cross Fit with our masks on.