The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

U19 Peking Strollers vs. local Chinese team

Julia had her first match with the Peking Strollers U19 soccer team.  It was a very crisp and windy day, but thankfully that means good clean air here.  They played a local Chinese team that goes to school and focuses only academics and soccer. (Julia's dream school if only they spoke more English!)
The team played really well and ended up winning 7-0.  After the game the girls from the other team were so excited to meet and talk to our girls and pose for pictures (FYI...if you hadn't noticed Chinese people love photos).  It was a very cool experience all the way around.
The U19 Peking Strollers (uniforms to come soon)
 Julia is front row first on the left.

Both teams together

Fall Photoshoot with my loves

I have always loved photography, but have just started to really learn "how" to use my camera.  I still have a lot to learn but I have a very talented friend here that has been giving me some pointers.  This was from my last assignment that she gave me.  It was fun because I got to use my favorite subjects in the 3 kids. (Yes, I said 3......2 girls and my fur baby boy)   Here are some of my favorites!
Julia, Tucker and Ella

Julia 13

My favorite of my big girl.

Ella Claire 10

My favorite of Ella Bell

But.......this ones is sooooo her!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!  The streets of our neighborhood were hopping with little ghouls and goblins.  I do believe we handed out at least 400 pieces of kidding!  Julia didn't dress up this year  so it was just Ella hitting the streets in search of some decent candy (preferably American candy).  Ella wanted to dress up as a bag of jelly beans, so I did the best I could and we came up with this little number.........................................

A visit from Horace Grantn

The girl's school is always having interesting, talented and sometimes famous people come talk to them.  This time it was none other than one of the Chicago Bulls, 4 time NBA championship player, Horace Grant!
He gave a fantastic talk about team work and understanding your role on a team.  He knew going into the Bulls team that there was only room for 1 Michael Jordan, but he, Pippen and Rodman all knew what their role was on the team and without every one's contribution there wouldn't be a championships and no MVP (Michael Jordan).  He used this to help explain that this is how life and jobs/ companies work.  Without everyone doing their part the CEO would fail and if the CEO failed the company would fail.  It's all relative and every one's role is important for success.
After his talk, he stayed around for pictures and autograph signing.  One of my dearest friends here has a hubby that works for the NBA.  They get to meet some of the coolest NBA stars ever!  Her husband was the one that brought Mr. Grant to the school.  He was holding Horace's championship rings in his pocket and let me and Ella try them on.  I seriously couldn't believe #1 how crazy cool it was to have those on my hand and #2 how huge that mans fingers are!
Ella got to hang out with him in the office for a while with my friend's kids.  She had him sign some pictures and asked him questions.  The best part is, that he asked her just as many questions.  He was such a kind and incredibly nice man.  It was truly an honor!
Horace and the kids.

Hilary, me, Horace and Kasey

Ella with 2 of the championship rings on her hand!

Friday, November 15, 2013

ISAC 7th grade soccer tournament!

Way to go ISB girls taking the 1st place trophy in the ISAC soccer tournament!  They played great and have really grown and improved as a team!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Cheerleading clinic with some of the New England Patriots cheerleaders!

When ISB does something they go big.  They held a cheerleading clinic for the kids at school and had none other than some of the New England Patriots cheerleaders teaching it.  They brought the cheer coach and 4 beautiful young ladies to work with the kids on dancing, cheering and stunting. 
These ladies were so incredibly nice to all of the kids.  The elementary went first, followed up with the middle school and high school cheerleaders, so Julia and Ella both got their chance to work with them and they had a blast.
I got to sit and watch the whole thing....which was kind of hard to hear my kids cheering for the Pats.  I am a Bears fan and Kelly likes the Stealers, which my kids informed them of! Besides that there is nothing more humbling than watching some pretty, young, enthusiastic ladies shake their thing. Yikes!
They stayed around later and talked to the girls and posed for pictures.  Super cool experience for my daughters!

Ella and Camille

Jane, Leah Marie and Ella

Andrew (the smartest boy ever) Alexandria, Jane and Ella

Learning a dance

Learning a Pats cheer....yikes

Ella and Brittany

Ella's favorite Camille

Ella and Leah Marie

Julia and Camille

Julia and her cheerleading squad with the Pats cheer coach

The "Hub" kids

We live in an expat compound here in Beijing.  It is really large!  There are always kids running through the neighborhood, and in and out of our house.  There is always someone for the kids to play with (or hangout with for my "teenager"). 
My friends, that we traveled to Xian with, have some great kids and they all live in our neighborhood.  That one weekend in Xian really gave them time to bond.  They hang out on a regular basis, at a meeting point in our neighborhood that they have named "the hub".  It is by the mouth of a creek bed that runs through the hood.  It is such a blessing that they have really embraced one another as a "family" and look out for each other.  Our Beijing family!
The "Hub" gang! (Minus a few)