The DeSmet Family

The DeSmet Family
Kelly, Valerie, Julia, Ella and Tucker

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Meet our driver Mr. Lou!

Mr. Lou met us at the airport to pick us up.  He is very nice and thankfully speaks some English.  He was driving our new minivan.  This is Ella's dream come true.  She has always dreamed of having a minivan with a DVD!  I never really saw myself as the mom that drove a minivan, but whatever,  I won't be driving here anyway....thankfully.  It is a mad house on the roads here.  Rules are suggested not usually followed.  Makes things fun and exciting every time you get in the vehicle.  Thank goodness Mr. Lou is a good driver!

We made it!

13 hours later and we have arrived in Beijing, China.  Watch out the DeSmet family is here!!!  China will never be the same again! 

China or Bust!!

Finally, Sunday, July 29.  We are back at O'Hare airport in Chicago and this time it's for real.  We are ready for take off!!!!

Saturday, July 28.....and we are off!

On Saturday, July 28, Grandma and Grandpa Wilson helped us to the airport.  We looked like we were moving to China or something with all of that luggage.  We made it through our goodbyes and check in and then due to mechanical problems didn't leave the QC airport in time to make our connection to Beijing.  So needless to say, we spent the night in Chicago, exploring the subway to the downtown area.  That was a cultural lesson for the kids to start off this journey. 

Packing up to go!

Friday, July 27, getting packed up and ready to go.  12 suitcases, a box and numerous other carry on bags and we were ready.  Tucker knew that something was going on, so he laid on our bags and pouted.  Poor buddy!  We will miss him for the next month until Kelly returns to the US in August to retrieve him!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Kelly on the Wall

Kelly has been in China for almost a month now.  He has been hard at work but has made a little time on the weekends to explore.  This Saturday he did a 6 mile hike of the Great Wall with his friend Luke.  Looks like quite a workout to me! 
He will be returning to us here in the States this Friday.  We can't wait to have him back.  It has been a long month without Daddy!  We will be tying up some loose ends and then we will all depart July 28 to start our new journey!